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Covenants managed by Grainger Plc

Covenants managed by Grainger Plc

There are 12 Covenants that were applied to each house on Martlesham Heath, with the exception of one they are all enforced by Grainger PLC


Please note that the wording may be different in your deeds but the same covenants will be there.


These are

  1. Not to erect any further garage or other buildings on the property or add to or extend in a any way the property without first submitting in duplicate and obtaining the approval of the vendors architects or surveyors top detailed plans and drawings. You can see the contact details and fees payable under Building Work​

  2. Not to erect any additional or different hedges walls or fencing of any kind or description on the boundaries of the property without first obtaining written approval of the vendors .

  3. Not to use any building erected on the property for any purpose other than a private dwelling and garage or outbuilding belonging thereto and not to exercise or carry on or permit to be exercised or carried upon the property or any part thereof any trade business or profession whatsoever.

  4. Not to place advertisement sign or placard on the property other than a board of the usual size and description announcing that the property is to be let or sold.

  5. Not to use any part of the property not built upon for any purpose other than a private ornamental or kitchen garden.

  6. No Caravan or Boat of any description shall be allowed to remain on the property or any part thereof outside the dwelling house and garage thereof except for the purposes of loading and unloading for periods of less than 48 hours.

  7. Not to cut down injure or remove any of the hedges or trees which are planted or may be planted in accordance with the requirements of any tree planting scheme imposed by the local authority whether on the property or any part of Martlesham Heath.

  8. Not to do or commit any act or thing which may be deemed to be a nuisance   or annoyance to the Vendor and / or the owners and occupiers of the remainder of Martlesham Heath Village or any or more of them

  9. No external structure or apparatus or telephone or wireless receiving equipment shall be erected on or in any way fixed to the property. No Longer enforced due to changes in technology.

  10. Not to park or cause or suffer to be parked any vehicles whether mechanically propelled or not on any part of the footpaths or grass verges or other grassed areas forming part of Martlesham Heath Village.

  11. Not to keep any animals or livestock on the property or in any building thereon except the usual domestic pets which expression shall include cats and dogs.


Robert Steel

Portfolio Manager

Grainger Plc

3rd Floor, 3 More London Riverside,

London, SE1 2AQ.

DDI: 0207 940 9600

M: 07825 190736





If you have concerns about people not observing other aspects of the covenants (eg storage of caravans) these should also be reported to Grainger Plc as above. They have told us they intend to continue to enforce these covenants.

Graingers contact details

Covenant managed by Martlesham Heath Householders Ltd

12. Not to sell or otherwise transfer the property without requiring the purchaser to become a member of Martlesham Heath Householders Ltd in succession to the Purchaser  and (b) to enter into a separate deed of covenant on the lines of the specimen in the Fifth Schedule which you can find in your deeds.

01473 612207

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