Control Tower 2020
View from Control Tower Late Summer 1944
MHHL responsibilities also include the following:-
The Control Tower. Most of this is sublet to Martlesham Heath Aviation Society who have created an excellent museum. MHAS contribute siginificantly towards the upkeep of the building. Here is a war time photo of the Control Tower.
The access road to the Control Tower and its car park are private land, and are primarily for use by people attending events and meetings at the Control Tower.
Litter bins. Other than the bins in the village square (which are the responsibility of the landlord of the Square) all the other bins were provided by MHHL and they are emptied on our behalf by Suffolk Coastal District Council.
MHHL owns the ground opposite Gorseland School and this area is being planted into a Community Orchard, led by the Parish Council. The area is currently publicly accessible - users are asked not to damage the area.
MHHL own the land next to the ground above, that the Centenary Play space is built on. The Parish Council kindly provided and maintain the site and play equipment.
MHHL own the land behind the Pavilion (the Harry Higgins playspace), but the Pavilion Management Committe maintain the site and play equipment.
The WWII windsock near Forest Lane
The clock in the tower in Manor Rd
The padlocked barriers across entrances to the Western Corridor. These are for maintenance and Fire Brigade access.
FAQ's - Grounds Maintenance
‘'I am confused as to what the various agencies do in respect of grass cutting across Martlesham Heath?''
Norse carries out grass cutting on behalf of Suffolk County Council on its highway verges within Martlesham.
MHHL issued a contract with our own contractors in 2020 to undertake the grass cutting and shrub bed maintenance of areas MHHL are responsible for.
The Interactive map above shows who is responsible for what in terms of ground maintenance.
‘'When do you start grass cutting and when do you stop?''
When MHHL's contractor start grass cutting in March, this is a continual cycle till the season ends based on length of grass as specified in our contract.
‘'Why are some green areas cut more often than others?''
The village green is cut by the Parish Council this tends to be cut more regularly.