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Sitting on Grass
Village Green: Text



The village greens are  fantastic facilities for all to enjoy. Our policies are designed to maintain its quality and amenity, and allow users to enjoy it in safety. The Parish Council kindly pays for cutting the grass on the Village Green, with MHHL responsible for the Northern Green.


  • Please take care of them - please don't damage the trees or pick the flowers.

  • Please put your litter in one of the many bins provided or take your litter home.

  • All dog deposits should be cleared up to avoid the mess it can create on clothes and shoes, and to avoid the risk of children and adults playing sport contracting any illness from it.

  • Motor vehicles and motorbikes are NOT allowed on the green without specific permission from MHHL (please see below for details). 

  • Dangerous activities - eg golf, archery, powered model aircraft including drones - are NOT allowed.

  • Ad hoc sport - eg football kick-about etc - is allowed and encouraged.

  • Barbecues are not permitted.

  • Organised events - eg Saturday football,  brass band concerts, village fayre etc. Organisers should contact MHHL for permission and agree access arrangements, and will need to demonstrate that they have public liability insurance. MHHL's policy is that permission is only given to organisations with a connection to the parish, and it is not available for commercial use.

Policies regarding vehicles on the Greens.

  • We require dates and times of access.

  • If using tools and electrical items, they must be covered by a certificate of insurance.(i.e. no trailing 240v leads)

  • No blockage of the public pedestrian way.

  • No removal of plant of other naturally growing vegetation on the green without permission.

  • Any damage to surfaces both hard and soft to be re-instated at the users costs.

  • No permission will be granted during inclement weather conditions i.e. Heavy rain or snow due to damage to the green itself.

  • No vehicle which is allowed access to drive at above 5mph, nor to drive over the central areas of the green.

  • We reserve the right to refuse permission or terminate permission at any time during the time of the permit.


Lockable bollards and chains have been put in place as a result of resident's concerns about potential illegal occupation of the Green.

  • To take a vehicle on the Green please contact MHHL in advance and tell us of proposed dates and times that access is needed, and for what purpose. We'll then arrange to unlock it as necessary

  • If using tools and electrical items, they must be covered by a certificate of insurance.(i.e. no trailing 240v leads)

  • Please do not block the pedestrian routes.

  • Please do not remove plants or other naturally growing vegetation on the green without permission.

  • Any damage to surfaces both hard and soft to be re-instated at the user's cost, to avoid the cost falling on our shareholders.

  • Permission will not be granted during bad weather conditions i.e. heavy rain or snow due to potential damage to the green itself.

  • Keep to a speed limit of 5mph, and please keep close to the perimeter - don't drive over the central areas of the green.

  • We reserve the right to refuse permission or terminate permission at any time during the time of the permit.

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